Do you need to keep prairie dogs from COMING ONTO your property or keep them CONFINED TO your property? If so, Roe Ecological Services can help you design and construct an effective prairie dog barrier for your unique property and situation.

Unfortunately, there is no “silver bullet” and no “one design fits all” solution. It is critical that a knowledgeable and experienced wildlife biologist visits your site and takes into account characteristics of the colony itself, topography, soil types, adjacent land uses, other species, etc. when designing your prairie dog barrier.

There are numerous designs and materials available – some are better suited for some sites than others. We completely understand that finances are always an issue, especially in today’s economy. Roe Ecological Services is dedicated to designing you to most cost-effective barrier possible that will actually work to restrict the movement of prairie dogs and will last as long as possible.


Avoid barrier failures (i.e., a waste of your money) like those shown below by having Roe Ecological Services design and coordinate the installation of your barriers: